Monday, October 31, 2016

Beginning Reading Work

Clothespins , index cards, markers cut out pictures from a "First Dictionary" or magazine.

Glue pictures on index cards with clearly printed words below , for example  f-o-x.  Be sure to have corresponding clothespins with letters written on each, so child will not have to take a letter off a finished card. Part of the fun for my little one is standing each card up on its legs before moving on to the next. Each time the child works with these cards , they become more and more familiar with them and will begin to know them by sight.

I seem to have  always run across First Dictionaries over the years so I have a few to spare. They always have simple CVC words and bright pictures to go with them so they are ideal for this type of project

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Montessori inspired Shape work

Math /Pre Geometry work. Poster board is cut into sections and letter stickers from the Dollar Tree are used to make the  names of shapes. Trace out shapes using markers for the child to place colored popsicle sticks on top to form shapes. Helps the child get familiar with shapes names as well as how many sides each shape has.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Calendar work!

For the famous Montessorian Calendar work, I made a grid on a regular sheet of paper , numbered the grid to roughly correspond to a calendar 1-31. For one activity, she simply places a counter on each square and count as she goes.  This is good one-to- one practice. For another activity with the same calendar , I made a copy of the original calendar, cut out the numbers and she places the numbers on top of corresponding number (number -to- number matching, familiarity with number order)

Friday, October 14, 2016

Daily Schedule for the Visual Kid

I printed these lovely Daily Duties/ Activities Cards from a wonderful website, Natural Beach Living. I printed and "laminated" ( I used clear contact paper from Dollar Store, it goes a loooong way!) the cards after gluing onto card stock and  placed string onto a foam core board and clothes pin each activity in order when she has completed them she removes them and places it in and "All Done " envelope and looks forward with anticipation for her next "duty". If you find you are short on space these also can be place inside of a folder or pinned to the outside and put in the inner pocket once job is completed.

For these awesome free printables:

Monday, October 10, 2016

Word Maker Machine

In this activity I made a language art board from a tri-fold board. Simple card stock was used to make a "word maker machine" . She pulls the strip along past set word endings and make new words! These are the word endings we are working on this semester, she is only five and has speech issues but she is very interested in words and sounding them out and does so nicely, so I don't stunt her, I let her attempt the words and she gets most of them. We also keep , on this board her sight words for the week, a little memory work never hurt anyone! And she also likes to pull the strips along , more pincher grab/ concentration skills.
Word  Making Machine

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Nature Table Montessori style

In this work I use a Cotton  Candy container (be resourceful!) as a place to hold her found nature items, we pick up during the week. This set includes a bug magnifying set and tweezers. A felt mat to roll out,  and items such as acorns, twigs, leaves and other goodies from our walks, all compacted into a handy dandy recycled container. The child can take out the mat unroll it , place each item down and examine them one by one, stay close by and see what other conversations ensue! Mine is a curious little one , she loves nature. You could extend this activity with leaf rubbing, leaf tracing or leaf pressing  between two pieces of wax paper.

As soon as she's a little older  to extend a lesson of this sort, we will be reading this book:

Monday, October 3, 2016

Geography Work Montessori style

Great Montessori ideas do not have to cost a fortune, here I will be showing my Montessori inspired work, with Dollar Store items and or things you probably already have around the home.

In my five year olds Geography "basket" I cut out a rough likeness of the 7 continents from construction paper (Dollar Store) and used a piece of blue felt for the ocean. I also added plastic animals (Dollar Store) depending on the continent under study. I found a pack of flashcard like puzzles that give a little background on a variety of animals. I hang up the cutout of the continent and give her an opportunity to color a print out from a google image or two. And believe me for a 5 year old this will suffice! She enjoys it and it introduces her to her world!