Sunday, February 1, 2009

Water Cycle Lapbook

Here is an experiment from our Water Cycle Lapbook. This proves that plants absorbs water through its veins. We put blue (red would have been better) food coloring in a jar added a stalk of celery. Then we watched the blue water climb up the stalk, at some point we couldn't take it anymore and broke the stalk to SEE the process, quite an exciting process for my son. He learned alot! And enjoyed it! We took resources from more places then I can remember. I start collecting our resources and copying papers etc, about 3months or more in advance so when the time comes we can just dive into it. Below are a few links and references for you to follow. And hopefully a picture too!:} - These links and pages give you access to a number of minibooks to help you with your Lapbook, use the links under resources along with links here to help your child learn and fill in the books. Article entitled Where Has All The Water Gone? Very informative. Are we running out of water? Wonderful diagrams also discusses the effect of the Water crisis on Health and Food -helpful simple explanations of the processes

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